www.jayarama.us/kd/lte.txt (rev. 2010 May 27) We just can’t keep up with our mail. Sorry! But we get like 300 letters a day, and some of then are detailed, like for the NIOS Symposium, and Bhakti sastri stuff etc. So. 1) We will try changing our LTE address with each Kapi-Dhvaja. That means that only Dudes who read the Bulletin can write to us. Informed people! 2) All letters must be in Enlgish or with an English translation (Babble Fish) and original Spanish. 3) Girls have to send letters with a copy to their father, husband, grown up sons or brothers. 4) Un solicited Long letters will not be forgiven but will be cast into the Outer Darkness. All letters. 5)All letters are subject public humiliation, no we mean public circulation. Then we can write back to you and include you in a more intimate group, and finally if necessary individual letters. We are trying to get some secretarys for better communication. Applications gladly accepted. 7) If it's urgent write "URGENT" in the Subject Field.